SomeThink! – WTC Journal
Theological libraries
- Kinder Library
The library of the (Anglican) College of St John the Evangelist, Auckland
For theological educators
- Catholic religious educators and parish Adult Formation (National Centre for Religious Studies)
- American public broadcasting series Frontline‘s religion section
- Fides Quaerens Internetum (The Christian Theology Page)
- Theological Editions — wide-ranging site with links to many sources of Christian resources
- Catholic Resources — for scripture, literature art and theology
- Wesley Centre for Applied Theology
Journals and papers
- Colloquium — The Australian and New Zealand Theological Review
- Stimulus — The New Zealand Journal of Christian Thought and Practice
- First Things — from the Institute on Religion and Public Life
- An archive of articles by Prof Dallas Willard
- Christian Brethren Research Fellowship
- Scripture from Scratch — a popular guide to understanding the Bible
- — over 6000 scholarly texts
- Electronic Scripture Library
- Maps of Palestine and the Middle East in Jesus’ day
- NT Gateway — links to New Testament resources
- Early Christian Writings — from 30-250AD
- The Old Testament and the Ancient Near East
- Preaching resources collected at the Dominican Central Province site
- — sermon resources by members of the Dominican Order of Preachers
- The Athenium of Ohio preaching resources
New Zealand providers of theological education
- Auckland University School of Theology
- Carey Baptist Theological College
- Colin Library, Catholic Theological Institute
- College of St John the Evangelist (Anglican)
- Otago University Department of Theology and Religion
- Ecumenical Institute of Distance Theological Studies
- Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership (Presbyterian)
- Laidlaw College Laidlaw College (formerly Bible College of New Zealand)
- New Zealand Association for Clinical Pastoral Education
- Booth College of Mission (Salvation Army)
- Theology House, Christchurch (Anglican)
- eTrinity Methodist Theological College
- Who’s Who in the History of Western Mysticism
- The Empty Bell – Christian prayer and meditation
- Inner Explorations — mysticism, metaphysics and psychology
- New Zealand history online
- New Zealand National Library
- Writings by NT Wright, Bishop of Durham